Reduced musculoskeletal overload, non-invasive monitoring and custom ProbeFix designs
A bit of news for everyone
We’d like to share some publications with you, which we (and you) have been waiting for! Have you wondered if there is proof of the reduced physical stress for sonographers when using ProbeFix? Are you questioning if ProbeFix is applicable for cardiac output monitoring at the Intensive Care? Or, are you curious about our collaboration with Philips during the marathon and more custom possibilities with ProbeFix Dynamic?

62% less shoulder abduction in echocardiography
Cardiologists from Catharina Hospital and Deventer Hospital researched the reduction of musculoskeletal overload in routine transthoracic echocardiography. When holding the probe manually, the sonographer has extreme shoulder abduction (>30°) for 98% of the time. With ProbeFix, this is reduced to only 58% and this is further reduced to just 36% in combination with Philips X5-1 with iRotate! Not only the shoulder abduction is of importance. But also the muscle activity in the forearm is significantly less when using the ProbeFix to stabilize the probe during the examination. The participating cardiologists and sonographers concluded that ProbeFix is a promising tool to reduce work-related injuries due to echocardiographic scanning.

Non-invasive cardiac output monitoring
The biggest advantage of TTE at Intensive Care is that it’s non-invasive compared to other monitoring options. However, to get accurate results, the challenge is to take measurements at exactly the same position. Intensivists in Rijnstate Hospital and Radboud UMC concluded that the application of ProbeFix gives usable non-invasive cardiac output results in 80% of adults. However, to examine this new non-invasive procedure, larger studies are needed. Are you interested in implementing this new imaging technique? Please contact us!

Custom ProbeFix designs for new research purposes
Last but not least, we succeeded yet another test during the Eindhoven Marathon together with Philips. With highly talented researchers from the Eindhoven University of Technology, we created a new study protocol and adapted the ProbeFix Dynamic to also monitor athletes with EMG sensors. Philips wrote a blog post about the experiences of one of the runners.
Next to this version, we developed a ProbeFix Dynamic on request of Amsterdam UMC, designed for the linear probes of Telemed. This ProbeFix includes more degrees of freedom and modular feet. This product was very well received at the ESMAC conference in Amsterdam.
Would you like to work with our devices or would you like a custom design?
For more information about our designs, please talk to Victor