- Measurements: the same as general measurements of different modes (B, M, PW)
- Calculations: BSA via Height and Weight, BSA via Weight
- PW mode calculations: HR, SV using Flow Area, SV using Flow Diameter, SI, CO, CI, Area calculation using Continuity Equation (methods: Area and VTI, Area and Velocity, Diameter and VTI, Diameter and Velocity, Velocity Ratio (S/D, D/S), dP:dt, Flow Volume (methods: Diameter, Area), PHT, MVA
- Hip Angles (α, β), Femoral Head Coverage (FHC)
- Human Obstetrics / Gynecology (OB / GYN)
- Measurements: LMP (entered or from calendar), AC, BPD, FL, HC, FTA, AAPD, ATD, TAPD, TTD, CRL, GS, HL, TL, UL, OFD, BOD, Cereb, Clav, Rad, AFI, FHR, NT
- Doppler mode measurements: Umbilical Artery (UA): RI, PI, PSV, EDV; Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA): RI, PI, PSV; Ductus Arteriosus (DA): Diam, PSV; Main Pulmonary Artery (MPA): Diam, PSV; Uterine Artery (UtA): RI, PI
- Doppler mode calculations: Umbilical Artery (UA): PSV/EDV; CPR
- Estimated date of birth (EDD) calculations: EDD(LMP), EDD(GA), EDD(AUA)
- Ratios: FL / AC, FL / HC, FL / BPD, HC / AC, CI
- Selected EFW values are used for calculation of Average EFW
- Gestational Age (GA) calculations: GA(AC), GA(BPD), GA(CRL), GA(FL), GA(GS), GA(HC), GA(HL), GA(OFD), GA(TL), GA(UL), GA(HC/AC), GA(FTA),GA(ATD), GA(TAPD), GA(TTD), GA(BOD), GA(Cereb), GA(Clav)
- Fetal Growth estimation (trending): AC(GA), BPD(GA), CRL(GA), FL(GA), GS(GA), HC(GA), HL(GA), OFD(GA), TL(GA), UL(GA), [FL/AC](GA), [FL/HC](GA), [HC/AC](GA), EFW(GA), AAPD(GA), ATD(GA), TAPD(GA), TTD(GA), BOD(GA), Cereb(GA), Rad(GA), Clav(GA), AFI(GA), FHR(GA), NT(CRL)
- Doppler mode Fetal Growth estimation (trending): UA_RI(GA), UA_PI(GA), UA_RATIO_S_D(GA), MCA_RI(GA), MCA_PI(GA), MCA_PSV(GA), CPR(GA), DA_DIAM(GA), DA_PSV(GA), MPA_DIAM(GA), MPA_PSV(GA), UTA_RI(GA), UTA_PI(GA)
- Selected Growth Tables are visualized as Fetal Growth Curves
- Software supports unlimited number of user-defined Growth Tables
- Measurements: length, height, width of uterus, cervix, ovaries, renals, follicles
- Calculations: volumes of uterus, cervix, ovaries, renals, follicles
- Liver: Volume (CC, AP, LL diameters)
- Gallbladder: Volume, Wall Thickness, Extrahepatic Bile Duct (EBD), Common Bile Duct (CBD), Common Hepatic Duct (CHD)
- Pancreas: Head Diameter, Body Diameter, Tail Diameter, Pancreatic Duct Head, Pancreatic Duct Body
- Spleen: Volume (length, width, thickness)
- Gastrointestinal Tract: Appendix Wall Thickness, Appendix Diameter, Bowel Wall Thickness (at Stomach, Small Bowel, Large Bowel)
- Urinary Bladder: Volume (length, height, width)
- Right / Left Kidney: Volume (length, height, width), Pelvis Diameter
- Measurements: length, height, width of kidneys, bladder, prostate, testes
- Calculations: volumes of kidneys, bladder, prostate, testes; RUV (Residual Urine Volume); PSAD (PSA Density)
- Measurements: length, width, thickness of thyroid lobes
- Calculations: volumes thyroid lobes; volume of thyroid
- Distance and area -based stenosis calculations at left (right) Subclavian, CCA (Common Carotid Artery), Bulb, ICA (Internal Carotid Artery), ECA (External Carotid Artery), Vertebral vessels at proximal, middle, distal locations
- PSV/EDV (Peak Systole Velocity / End Diastole Velocity) ratios for each vessel and location
- Ratios of velocities ICA PSV/CCA PSV, ICA EDV/CCA EDV, ICA PSV/CCA EDV, ECA PSV/CCA PSV, ECA EDV/CCA EDV, ECA PSV/CCA EDV at Rt. (Lt.) Prox. (Mid., Dist.) locations
- Software supports the following measurements of Left Ventricle, Aortic Valve, Left Atrial: IVSd (Interventricular Septal Thickness, diastole), LVIDd (Left Ventricle Internal Diameter, diastole), LVPWd (Left Ventricle Posterior Wall Thickness, diastole), AOd (Aortic Root Dimension, diastole), IVSs (Interventricular Septal Thickness, systole), LVIDs (Left Ventricle Internal Diameter, systole), LVPWs (Left Ventricle Posterior Wall Thickness, systole), LADs (Left Atrial Dimension, systole).
- Calculations: HR (Heart Rate), BSA (Body surface Area), Left ventricle volume (methods: Cubed, Teichholz, Gibson, Simpson’s LVAM-LVAP, Simpson’s single plane, Simpson’s biplane, Bullet, Ellipsoid single plane, Ellipsoid biplane), SV (Stroke Volume), SI (Stroke Volume Index), EF (Ejection Fraction), CO (Cardiac Output), CI (Cardiac Index), STIVS (Interventricular Shortening), FS (Fractional Shortening), STPW (Posterior Wall Shortening), LVM (Left Ventricle Cardiac Mass), CMI (Cardiac Mass Index), LA/AO Ratio
- Measurements: the same as general measurements of different modes (B, M, PW/CW)
- Calculations: BSA via Height and Weight, BSA via Weight
- PW/CW mode calculations: HR, SV using Flow Area, SV using Flow Diameter, SI, CO, CI, Area calculation using Continuity Equation (methods: Area and VTI, Area and Velocity, Diameter and VTI, Diameter and Velocity, Velocity Ratio (S/D, D/S), dP:dt, Flow Volume (methods: Diameter, Area), PHT, MVA
- Hip Angles (α, β), Femoral Head Coverage (FHC)
- Human Obstetrics / Gynecology (OB / GYN)
- Measurements: LMP (entered or from calendar), AC, BPD, FL, HC, FTA, AAPD, ATD, TAPD, TTD, CRL, GS, HL, TL, UL, OFD, BOD, Cereb, Clav, Rad, AFI, FHR, NT
- Doppler mode measurements: Umbilical Artery (UA): RI, PI, PSV, EDV; Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA): RI, PI, PSV; Ductus Arteriosus (DA): Diam, PSV; Main Pulmonary Artery (MPA): Diam, PSV; Uterine Artery (UtA): RI, PI
- Doppler mode calculations: Umbilical Artery (UA): PSV/EDV; CPR
- Estimated date of birth (EDD) calculations: EDD(LMP), EDD(GA), EDD(AUA)
- Ratios: FL / AC, FL / HC, FL / BPD, HC / AC, CI
- Selected EFW values are used for calculation of Average EFW
- Gestational Age (GA) calculations: GA(AC), GA(BPD), GA(CRL), GA(FL), GA(GS), GA(HC), GA(HL), GA(OFD), GA(TL), GA(UL), GA(HC/AC), GA(FTA),GA(ATD), GA(TAPD), GA(TTD), GA(BOD), GA(Cereb), GA(Clav)
- Fetal Growth estimation (trending): AC(GA), BPD(GA), CRL(GA), FL(GA), GS(GA), HC(GA), HL(GA), OFD(GA), TL(GA), UL(GA), [FL/AC](GA), [FL/HC](GA), [HC/AC](GA), EFW(GA), AAPD(GA), ATD(GA), TAPD(GA), TTD(GA), BOD(GA), Cereb(GA), Rad(GA), Clav(GA), AFI(GA), FHR(GA), NT(CRL)
- Doppler mode Fetal Growth estimation (trending): UA_RI(GA), UA_PI(GA), UA_RATIO_S_D(GA), MCA_RI(GA), MCA_PI(GA), MCA_PSV(GA), CPR(GA), DA_DIAM(GA), DA_PSV(GA), MPA_DIAM(GA), MPA_PSV(GA), UTA_RI(GA), UTA_PI(GA)
- Selected Growth Tables are visualized as Fetal Growth Curves
- Software supports unlimited number of user-defined Growth Tables
- Measurements: length, height, width of uterus, cervix, ovaries, renals, follicles
- Calculations: volumes of uterus, cervix, ovaries, renals, follicles
- Liver: Volume (CC, AP, LL diameters)
- Gallbladder: Volume, Wall Thickness, Extrahepatic Bile Duct (EBD), Common Bile Duct (CBD), Common Hepatic Duct (CHD)
- Pancreas: Head Diameter, Body Diameter, Tail Diameter, Pancreatic Duct Head, Pancreatic Duct Body
- Spleen: Volume (length, width, thickness)
- Gastrointestinal Tract: Appendix Wall Thickness, Appendix Diameter, Bowel Wall Thickness (at Stomach, Small Bowel, Large Bowel)
- Urinary Bladder: Volume (length, height, width)
- Right / Left Kidney: Volume (length, height, width), Pelvis Diameter
- Measurements: length, height, width of kidneys, bladder, prostate, testes
- Calculations: volumes of kidneys, bladder, prostate, testes; RUV (Residual Urine Volume); PSAD (PSA Density)
- Measurements: length, width, thickness of thyroid lobes
- Calculations: volumes thyroid lobes; volume of thyroid
- Distance and area -based stenosis calculations at left (right) Subclavian, CCA (Common Carotid Artery), Bulb, ICA (Internal Carotid Artery), ECA (External Carotid Artery), Vertebral vessels at proximal, middle, distal locations
- PSV/EDV (Peak Systole Velocity / End Diastole Velocity) ratios for each vessel and location
- Ratios of velocities ICA PSV/CCA PSV, ICA EDV/CCA EDV, ICA PSV/CCA EDV, ECA PSV/CCA PSV, ECA EDV/CCA EDV, ECA PSV/CCA EDV at Rt. (Lt.) Prox. (Mid., Dist.) locations
- Software supports the following measurements of Left Ventricle, Aortic Valve, Left Atrial: IVSd (Interventricular Septal Thickness, diastole), LVIDd (Left Ventricle Internal Diameter, diastole), LVPWd (Left Ventricle Posterior Wall Thickness, diastole), AOd (Aortic Root Dimension, diastole), IVSs (Interventricular Septal Thickness, systole), LVIDs (Left Ventricle Internal Diameter, systole), LVPWs (Left Ventricle Posterior Wall Thickness, systole), LADs (Left Atrial Dimension, systole).
- Calculations: HR (Heart Rate), BSA (Body surface Area), Left ventricle volume (methods: Cubed, Teichholz, Gibson, Simpson’s LVAM-LVAP, Simpson’s single plane, Simpson’s biplane, Bullet, Ellipsoid single plane, Ellipsoid biplane), SV (Stroke Volume), SI (Stroke Volume Index), EF (Ejection Fraction), CO (Cardiac Output), CI (Cardiac Index), STIVS (Interventricular Shortening), FS (Fractional Shortening), STPW (Posterior Wall Shortening), LVM (Left Ventricle Cardiac Mass), CMI (Cardiac Mass Index), LA/AO Ratio
- Measurements: the same as general measurements of different modes (B, M, PW)
- Calculations: BSA via Height and Weight, BSA via Weight
- PW mode calculations: HR, SV using Flow Area, SV using Flow Diameter, SI, CO, CI, Area calculation using Continuity Equation (methods: Area and VTI, Area and Velocity, Diameter and VTI, Diameter and Velocity, Velocity Ratio (S/D, D/S), dP:dt, Flow Volume (methods: Diameter, Area), PHT, MVA
- Hip Angles (α, β), Femoral Head Coverage (FHC)
- Human Obstetrics / Gynecology (OB / GYN)
- Measurements: LMP (entered or from calendar), AC, BPD, FL, HC, FTA, AAPD, ATD, TAPD, TTD, CRL, GS, HL, TL, UL, OFD, BOD, Cereb, Clav, Rad, AFI, FHR, NT
- Doppler mode measurements: Umbilical Artery (UA): RI, PI, PSV, EDV; Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA): RI, PI, PSV; Ductus Arteriosus (DA): Diam, PSV; Main Pulmonary Artery (MPA): Diam, PSV; Uterine Artery (UtA): RI, PI
- Doppler mode calculations: Umbilical Artery (UA): PSV/EDV; CPR
- Estimated date of birth (EDD) calculations: EDD(LMP), EDD(GA), EDD(AUA)
- Ratios: FL / AC, FL / HC, FL / BPD, HC / AC, CI
- Selected EFW values are used for calculation of Average EFW
- Gestational Age (GA) calculations: GA(AC), GA(BPD), GA(CRL), GA(FL), GA(GS), GA(HC), GA(HL), GA(OFD), GA(TL), GA(UL), GA(HC/AC), GA(FTA),GA(ATD), GA(TAPD), GA(TTD), GA(BOD), GA(Cereb), GA(Clav)
- Fetal Growth estimation (trending): AC(GA), BPD(GA), CRL(GA), FL(GA), GS(GA), HC(GA), HL(GA), OFD(GA), TL(GA), UL(GA), [FL/AC](GA), [FL/HC](GA), [HC/AC](GA), EFW(GA), AAPD(GA), ATD(GA), TAPD(GA), TTD(GA), BOD(GA), Cereb(GA), Rad(GA), Clav(GA), AFI(GA), FHR(GA), NT(CRL)
- Doppler mode Fetal Growth estimation (trending): UA_RI(GA), UA_PI(GA), UA_RATIO_S_D(GA), MCA_RI(GA), MCA_PI(GA), MCA_PSV(GA), CPR(GA), DA_DIAM(GA), DA_PSV(GA), MPA_DIAM(GA), MPA_PSV(GA), UTA_RI(GA), UTA_PI(GA)
- Selected Growth Tables are visualized as Fetal Growth Curves
- Software supports unlimited number of user-defined Growth Tables
- Measurements: length, height, width of uterus, cervix, ovaries, renals, follicles
- Calculations: volumes of uterus, cervix, ovaries, renals, follicles
- Liver: Volume (CC, AP, LL diameters)
- Gallbladder: Volume, Wall Thickness, Extrahepatic Bile Duct (EBD), Common Bile Duct (CBD), Common Hepatic Duct (CHD)
- Pancreas: Head Diameter, Body Diameter, Tail Diameter, Pancreatic Duct Head, Pancreatic Duct Body
- Spleen: Volume (length, width, thickness)
- Gastrointestinal Tract: Appendix Wall Thickness, Appendix Diameter, Bowel Wall Thickness (at Stomach, Small Bowel, Large Bowel)
- Urinary Bladder: Volume (length, height, width)
- Right / Left Kidney: Volume (length, height, width), Pelvis Diameter
- Measurements: length, height, width of kidneys, bladder, prostate, testes
- Calculations: volumes of kidneys, bladder, prostate, testes; RUV (Residual Urine Volume); PSAD (PSA Density)
- Measurements: length, width, thickness of thyroid lobes
- Calculations: volumes thyroid lobes; volume of thyroid
- Distance and area -based stenosis calculations at left (right) Subclavian, CCA (Common Carotid Artery), Bulb, ICA (Internal Carotid Artery), ECA (External Carotid Artery), Vertebral vessels at proximal, middle, distal locations
- PSV/EDV (Peak Systole Velocity / End Diastole Velocity) ratios for each vessel and location
- Ratios of velocities ICA PSV/CCA PSV, ICA EDV/CCA EDV, ICA PSV/CCA EDV, ECA PSV/CCA PSV, ECA EDV/CCA EDV, ECA PSV/CCA EDV at Rt. (Lt.) Prox. (Mid., Dist.) locations
- Software supports the following measurements of Left Ventricle, Aortic Valve, Left Atrial: IVSd (Interventricular Septal Thickness, diastole), LVIDd (Left Ventricle Internal Diameter, diastole), LVPWd (Left Ventricle Posterior Wall Thickness, diastole), AOd (Aortic Root Dimension, diastole), IVSs (Interventricular Septal Thickness, systole), LVIDs (Left Ventricle Internal Diameter, systole), LVPWs (Left Ventricle Posterior Wall Thickness, systole), LADs (Left Atrial Dimension, systole).
- Calculations: HR (Heart Rate), BSA (Body surface Area), Left ventricle volume (methods: Cubed, Teichholz, Gibson, Simpson’s LVAM-LVAP, Simpson’s single plane, Simpson’s biplane, Bullet, Ellipsoid single plane, Ellipsoid biplane), SV (Stroke Volume), SI (Stroke Volume Index), EF (Ejection Fraction), CO (Cardiac Output), CI (Cardiac Index), STIVS (Interventricular Shortening), FS (Fractional Shortening), STPW (Posterior Wall Shortening), LVM (Left Ventricle Cardiac Mass), CMI (Cardiac Mass Index), LA/AO Ratio
- Measurements: the same as general measurements of different modes (B, M, PW)
- Calculations: BSA via Height and Weight, BSA via Weight
- PW mode calculations: HR, SV using Flow Area, SV using Flow Diameter, SI, CO, CI, Area calculation using Continuity Equation (methods: Area and VTI, Area and Velocity, Diameter and VTI, Diameter and Velocity, Velocity Ratio (S/D, D/S), dP:dt, Flow Volume (methods: Diameter, Area), PHT, MVA
- Hip Angles (α, β), Femoral Head Coverage (FHC)
- Human Obstetrics / Gynecology (OB / GYN)
- Measurements: LMP (entered or from calendar), AC, BPD, FL, HC, FTA, AAPD, ATD, TAPD, TTD, CRL, GS, HL, TL, UL, OFD, BOD, Cereb, Clav, Rad, AFI, FHR, NT
- Doppler mode measurements: Umbilical Artery (UA): RI, PI, PSV, EDV; Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA): RI, PI, PSV; Ductus Arteriosus (DA): Diam, PSV; Main Pulmonary Artery (MPA): Diam, PSV; Uterine Artery (UtA): RI, PI
- Doppler mode calculations: Umbilical Artery (UA): PSV/EDV; CPR
- Estimated date of birth (EDD) calculations: EDD(LMP), EDD(GA), EDD(AUA)
- Ratios: FL / AC, FL / HC, FL / BPD, HC / AC, CI
- Selected EFW values are used for calculation of Average EFW
- Gestational Age (GA) calculations: GA(AC), GA(BPD), GA(CRL), GA(FL), GA(GS), GA(HC), GA(HL), GA(OFD), GA(TL), GA(UL), GA(HC/AC), GA(FTA),GA(ATD), GA(TAPD), GA(TTD), GA(BOD), GA(Cereb), GA(Clav)
- Fetal Growth estimation (trending): AC(GA), BPD(GA), CRL(GA), FL(GA), GS(GA), HC(GA), HL(GA), OFD(GA), TL(GA), UL(GA), [FL/AC](GA), [FL/HC](GA), [HC/AC](GA), EFW(GA), AAPD(GA), ATD(GA), TAPD(GA), TTD(GA), BOD(GA), Cereb(GA), Rad(GA), Clav(GA), AFI(GA), FHR(GA), NT(CRL)
- Doppler mode Fetal Growth estimation (trending): UA_RI(GA), UA_PI(GA), UA_RATIO_S_D(GA), MCA_RI(GA), MCA_PI(GA), MCA_PSV(GA), CPR(GA), DA_DIAM(GA), DA_PSV(GA), MPA_DIAM(GA), MPA_PSV(GA), UTA_RI(GA), UTA_PI(GA)
- Selected Growth Tables are visualized as Fetal Growth Curves
- Software supports unlimited number of user-defined Growth Tables
- Measurements: length, height, width of uterus, cervix, ovaries, renals, follicles
- Calculations: volumes of uterus, cervix, ovaries, renals, follicles
- Liver: Volume (CC, AP, LL diameters)
- Gallbladder: Volume, Wall Thickness, Extrahepatic Bile Duct (EBD), Common Bile Duct (CBD), Common Hepatic Duct (CHD)
- Pancreas: Head Diameter, Body Diameter, Tail Diameter, Pancreatic Duct Head, Pancreatic Duct Body
- Spleen: Volume (length, width, thickness)
- Gastrointestinal Tract: Appendix Wall Thickness, Appendix Diameter, Bowel Wall Thickness (at Stomach, Small Bowel, Large Bowel)
- Urinary Bladder: Volume (length, height, width)
- Right / Left Kidney: Volume (length, height, width), Pelvis Diameter
- Measurements: length, height, width of kidneys, bladder, prostate, testes
- Calculations: volumes of kidneys, bladder, prostate, testes; RUV (Residual Urine Volume); PSAD (PSA Density)
- Measurements: length, width, thickness of thyroid lobes
- Calculations: volumes thyroid lobes; volume of thyroid
- Distance and area -based stenosis calculations at left (right) Subclavian, CCA (Common Carotid Artery), Bulb, ICA (Internal Carotid Artery), ECA (External Carotid Artery), Vertebral vessels at proximal, middle, distal locations
- PSV/EDV (Peak Systole Velocity / End Diastole Velocity) ratios for each vessel and location
- Ratios of velocities ICA PSV/CCA PSV, ICA EDV/CCA EDV, ICA PSV/CCA EDV, ECA PSV/CCA PSV, ECA EDV/CCA EDV, ECA PSV/CCA EDV at Rt. (Lt.) Prox. (Mid., Dist.) locations
- Software supports the following measurements of Left Ventricle, Aortic Valve, Left Atrial: IVSd (Interventricular Septal Thickness, diastole), LVIDd (Left Ventricle Internal Diameter, diastole), LVPWd (Left Ventricle Posterior Wall Thickness, diastole), AOd (Aortic Root Dimension, diastole), IVSs (Interventricular Septal Thickness, systole), LVIDs (Left Ventricle Internal Diameter, systole), LVPWs (Left Ventricle Posterior Wall Thickness, systole), LADs (Left Atrial Dimension, systole).
- Calculations: HR (Heart Rate), BSA (Body surface Area), Left ventricle volume (methods: Cubed, Teichholz, Gibson, Simpson’s LVAM-LVAP, Simpson’s single plane, Simpson’s biplane, Bullet, Ellipsoid single plane, Ellipsoid biplane), SV (Stroke Volume), SI (Stroke Volume Index), EF (Ejection Fraction), CO (Cardiac Output), CI (Cardiac Index), STIVS (Interventricular Shortening), FS (Fractional Shortening), STPW (Posterior Wall Shortening), LVM (Left Ventricle Cardiac Mass), CMI (Cardiac Mass Index), LA/AO Ratio
MicrUs Pro
- Measurements: the same as general measurements of different modes (B, M)
- Calculations: BSA via Height and Weight, BSA via Weight
- Hip Angles (α, β), Femoral Head Coverage (FHC)
- Human Obstetrics / Gynecology (OB / GYN)
- Measurements: LMP (entered or from calendar), AC, BPD, FL, HC, FTA, AAPD, ATD, TAPD, TTD, CRL, GS, HL, TL, UL, OFD, BOD, Cereb, Clav, Rad, AFI, FHR, NT
- Estimated date of birth (EDD) calculations: EDD(LMP), EDD(GA), EDD(AUA)
- Ratios: FL / AC, FL / HC, FL / BPD, HC / AC, CI
- Selected EFW values are used for calculation of Average EFW
- Gestational Age (GA) calculations: GA(AC), GA(BPD), GA(CRL), GA(FL), GA(GS), GA(HC), GA(HL), GA(OFD), GA(TL), GA(UL), GA(HC/AC), GA(FTA),GA(ATD), GA(TAPD), GA(TTD), GA(BOD), GA(Cereb), GA(Clav)
- Fetal Growth estimation (trending): AC(GA), BPD(GA), CRL(GA), FL(GA), GS(GA), HC(GA), HL(GA), OFD(GA), TL(GA), UL(GA), [FL/AC](GA), [FL/HC](GA), [HC/AC](GA), EFW(GA), AAPD(GA), ATD(GA), TAPD(GA), TTD(GA), BOD(GA), Cereb(GA), Rad(GA), Clav(GA), AFI(GA), FHR(GA), NT(CRL)
- Selected Growth Tables are visualized as Fetal Growth Curves
- Software supports unlimited number of user-defined Growth Tables
- Measurements: length, height, width of uterus, cervix, ovaries, renals, follicles
- Calculations: volumes of uterus, cervix, ovaries, renals, follicles
- Liver: Volume (CC, AP, LL diameters)
- Gallbladder: Volume, Wall Thickness, Extrahepatic Bile Duct (EBD), Common Bile Duct (CBD), Common Hepatic Duct (CHD)
- Pancreas: Head Diameter, Body Diameter, Tail Diameter, Pancreatic Duct Head, Pancreatic Duct Body
- Spleen: Volume (length, width, thickness)
- Gastrointestinal Tract: Appendix Wall Thickness, Appendix Diameter, Bowel Wall Thickness (at Stomach, Small Bowel, Large Bowel)
- Urinary Bladder: Volume (length, height, width)
- Right / Left Kidney: Volume (length, height, width), Pelvis Diameter
- Measurements: length, height, width of kidneys, bladder, prostate, testes
- Calculations: volumes of kidneys, bladder, prostate, testes; RUV (Residual Urine Volume); PSAD (PSA Density)
- Measurements: length, width, thickness of thyroid lobes
- Calculations: volumes thyroid lobes; volume of thyroid
- Distance and area -based stenosis calculations at left (right) Subclavian, CCA (Common Carotid Artery), Bulb, ICA (Internal Carotid Artery), ECA (External Carotid Artery), Vertebral vessels at proximal, middle, distal locations
- Software supports the following measurements of Left Ventricle, Aortic Valve, Left Atrial: IVSd (Interventricular Septal Thickness, diastole), LVIDd (Left Ventricle Internal Diameter, diastole), LVPWd (Left Ventricle Posterior Wall Thickness, diastole), AOd (Aortic Root Dimension, diastole), IVSs (Interventricular Septal Thickness, systole), LVIDs (Left Ventricle Internal Diameter, systole), LVPWs (Left Ventricle Posterior Wall Thickness, systole), LADs (Left Atrial Dimension, systole).
- Calculations: HR (Heart Rate), BSA (Body surface Area), Left ventricle volume (methods: Cubed, Teichholz, Gibson, Simpson’s LVAM-LVAP, Simpson’s single plane, Simpson’s biplane, Bullet, Ellipsoid single plane, Ellipsoid biplane), SV (Stroke Volume), SI (Stroke Volume Index), EF (Ejection Fraction), CO (Cardiac Output), CI (Cardiac Index), STIVS (Interventricular Shortening), FS (Fractional Shortening), STPW (Posterior Wall Shortening), LVM (Left Ventricle Cardiac Mass), CMI (Cardiac Mass Index), LA/AO Ratio